Want to shop Hot Topic styles without battling your way past tweenyboppers and fankids (or being seen in the store?)(I jest)(sort of)? Well you can order your favorite alternative shoe styles right online, and have them shipped to you for free for a limited time when you use code HTFRSHP100 at checkout. There is a $100 minimum, so if your new shoes don't quite meet it, you might want to throw in your favorite band shirt (or, sigh, Twilight New Moon merchandise) to qualify. Style Bard faves are these 'Blue Sailor' heels because she actually knows a girl who has them and rocks them out. She's worn them with a few different low-key outfits and always looks tremendously cute (not kitschy), to the point where SB and her Lil Sis have started looking at more outlandish shoes because this mutual friend has set the standard for making them work. High heels, wedges, sandals, boots and sneakers are also available for men and women at Hot Topic.
Code: HTFRSHP100
Expires: August 5th, 2009

I'm lusting after naval-style merchandise. Be it a tunic or a rockin' navy skirt, or a navy-style jacket. So gorgeous, this pair of shoes.
These shoes are incredibly cute! I absolutely adore these! Not sure if I would wear them all the time, but it's a little something to spice up an outfit.
Hi all
Christmas holidays are coming soon!
Lets discuss please :
What would be the good gift for guy for these holidays?
I'm totally out of any ideas,tired thinking and i need help!
Im 19F, he is 20
Thanks all
for your
help and advice!
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