Today is the last day you can receive an
additional 50% off already-discounted boots at Aldo. To qualify, all you have to do is shop; that's right, no minimums are necessary nor any shopping codes. You may think it's too late to be shopping for boots this season, but it's really not. There's no better way to skip through spring than by bearing your arms and shoulders in a fun sundress but staying warm with some knee-high boots. It's not a juxtaposed look that everyone can pull off, but if you can, more power to you. And that's not to say you can't wear boots all year long anyway; I certainly do. A little trick learned in Florida, where there's really no excuse for knee-high boots unless you make one. Style Bard faves are these 'Eakle' boots, which I originally covered back in
January when they went on sale for $200. Well guess what? They're now $77.49. So if you thought they were hot back then, you'd better get them while they last at this phenomenal price.
Expires: Midnight, April 13th, 2010