I have a few rules about bridal shoes. First of all, I'm a big fan of blue shoes. Yes, it takes care of 'something blue' but more importantly, have you ever seen a bride-to-be stressing out about matching the exact shade of her dress to the exact shade of shoes? It can be a headache. Blue shoes takes away that pain for you. Another rule of mine is that brides should have two pairs of shoes: one for the aisle and one for the reception. Many brides change their dress, but wind up either kicking off their shoes to dance or simply wearing flats in the first place. I beg of you not to do this. You must walk tall to your groom in high heels; your posture will come through in photos, I promise you won't regret this choice. But do not wear your bridal shoes for the first time as you head down the lane. Practice, practice, practice in advance and be sure to break in those shoes!
Right now, when you shop for bridal shoes at Piperlime, you can automatically save 20%. Sure, that's barely going to cushion the overall wedding costs, but every penny counts, right? Use the button below to land on the specific styles selected and recommended for brides! There aren't too many blue options, but there's a wide array of flat and high styles in different shades from which to choose.
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Expires: June 5th, 2010