Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Shoe Story - Martine

Martine, by Linda Pritcher @ DesignerShoes.com

Martine is a pale and slightly oversized young woman who, upon departing the uneventable and academically-focused years of undergraduate studies, took her degree in the French language and moved herself posthaste to Paris. Martine developed a good palette for discerning white wines (only), and an even better taste for Parisian men - who seem to have never seen such curves. She now lives in a shoebox-sized loft where actual shoeboxes hug all of the walls, seemingly in a competition for visibility with her stacks of books. So far, the books are winning, but barely. Martine wears these kitten-heeled shoes with or without the removeable decorative toe-piece flourish, depending on her whim of the day. Martine keeps the name-end of her shoeboxes and the spines of her books facing outward.

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