Wednesday, May 7, 2008

PacSun Sandals

From experience, I've noticed that people who wear Roxy or Reef sandals are die-hard Roxy or Reef wearers. It's a loyalty thing, it's a cult thing, it's a comfort thing, and I've owned a pair so I know their worth. PacSun is the place to get your surf sandals, or any quality sandals if you're out in them a lot (more durable than toss-around flip-flops). The prices are stable and affordable, especially considering how long these sandals can last. Though there's a great range of sandals for men and women available on the PacSun site, I picked these to feature because they're unusual from what you'd expect Reefs to be, featuring a slipper-like burgundy velvet diamond pattern, and they're called 'Pimptastic.' So, if you got here by Googling 'pimptastic'... I'm sure this was not what you were looking for. If you're looking for great outdoor sandals for the park and beach this summer, you're in the right place.

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Expires: No Expiration


Anonymous said...

Now I LOVE these

Anonymous said...

Hi : )
You are shopping online or in-store? which usually do you go for? actually wondering lol.. i prefer in-store since i don't really like waiting for it to arrive!

Style Bard said...


I hate waiting also! I can't say for PacSun specifically, since I've never shopped from them directly, but Zappos always has very fast shipping and free returns, which makes it almost easier to order online than go into a store.

That is, if you have a good mail service. I had a package stolen from my building last year, and now I'm always hesitant to shop online unless I'm sure I'll be home when it arrives. That's another little point on the 'pro' list for shopping at the store, for me.