Save up to 60% on fall favorites in Old Navy's End of Season Sale. In a way I'm a little upset that they're declaring one of my favorites times of year over already; but on the other hand, I'm in Florida so it's not exactly an onslaught of frigidity I have to worry about. I'm eyeing these Plum 'Patent Ribbon-Trim' pumps, just the sort of thing I wouldn't think to buy until they're suddenly very on sale and I'm feeling playful. The website calls them "coquettish Mary Janes" but I see in them more of my dance school recital shoes from the 80's, probably tap. And yet, I still kind of want to slap 'em on over some dark tights, so I guess five years of dance school didn't scar me as deeply as I'd thought. Now only $34.50. Also available in Black and Pewter.
Expires: While Supplies Last

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