Sure, lots of sandals are going on sale as Summer winds to a close. Shops think everyone's about to stop buying sandals come September, but that's just not true. Whether you're looking for a pair to wear in the bathroom at your dorm (so glad I'm not in school anymore!) or something a little more stylish to wear to run to the mail room (it's next door, but if your mother knew you went outside in open-toed shoes in this weather she would kill you), or, if you're one of my college friends, you might just ignore the weather reports and wear sandals all year round because you only take classes in buildings close to your room anyway. Anyway, my point is that kids in college need sandals. I always find the excuse to throw sandals on when I'm running to the car or walking the dog during winter, too. Regardless of the temperature, they're still the fastest thing to throw on your feet. And PacSun is now selling sandals for $6.99, so if you still need a pair of new sandals for any of (or none of) the reasons above, you should go take a look. Heck, for all I know you live in my home state of Florida, where I always bought new sandals in the Fall because they were so damn cheap. I don't know your life story! But I do know that if you need new sandals, you should check out PacSun while supplies last.
Expires: While Supplies Last

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