Today only, you can save up to 75% off the original price of sneakers and athletic shoes by ASICS. Simply shop the wide selection at 6pm.com, which includes more than 400 options for men, women and children. We all know that Style Bard is not a fan of sneakers, but there is something visually appealing about the sleek shapes and signature motion-suggestive iconography on the sides of ASICS. When shopping sneakers (a very rare occasion indeed), I tend to counter their bulky ugliness by buying them in bright, feminine colors. My most recent purchase was a pair of solid purple Adidas. That's why I favor these 'Renata' slip-ons in Silver/Violet. Eliminating the laces also adds to a more chic and streamlined look that tones down the athleticism on otherwise sturdy, breathable and supportive sneaks. These are now 60% off at only $24.00. All 6pm.com orders ship for the same flat rate of $6.95.
Expires: Midnight, February 10th, 2010

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