Remember those great shoes I picked up at Solestruck a short while back? Well I was back browsing the sale section (it's organized by size) and I found another pair I reeeeally want on sale for about 50% off. And that's not atypical, there are plenty of shoes from about 10-60% off, on every brand and style. But I'm not going to tell you which shoes are my absolute favorites, since I still want to buy them and I don't want you to steal them from me! And sales stock only stays around while supplies last in your size. So. Instead, I'm going to point you to these absolutely adorable 80's-inspired studded slouch boots. My friend wore a pair of them over tights when we went out recently, and she looked sooo cute. I wanted them even though I knew I could never pull them off like she can. But if you can, these are 52% off, 'Felda' by Nina. And they have really cute pink soles to boot!
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