Monday, May 3, 2010

TOMS for Moms

TOMS is the increasingly popular shoe brand known for its charity initiative to provide shoes to children in need on a worldwide scale. For every pair of shoes you purchase, a pair of shoes is donated to an otherwise sole-less child. Now far be it from me to get all sentimental on you, but this is a cause I really care about. And it correlates nicely with a matter dear to you as well: your mother. If you buy TOMS shoes for mother's day, you can now save $5 off any purchase by using coupon code MOTHERS. You can also tell your mom that her gift put a pair of shoes on a needy child, so it's kind of like a charitable contribution in her name. And hey, no one loves children more than moms, right? And moms love new shoes. So I'm pretty sure this gift would go over pretty well, all things considered. Check out the latest lady's styles, including these 'Red Newport Cordones' for Spring 2010.


Expires: May 16th, 2010

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